Thursday 22 March 2012

Episode 4: Andrew Goodwin and a bit of Postmodernism

What the hell am i talking about?

What is Postmodernism- It attempts to analyses society and culture now. Postmodernists believes that artistic creativity and "Newness" can no longer happen as in today's society everything has been done.

Intertextuality- If there are no ideas left out there, steal your own ideas from other media or reflect them in your own media text. The problem with this is that it can only make sense if you've seen what it's referencing to. 

Hybridisation- This occurs when attempting to create something new by merging two existing objects together. 

Performance Based- Music videos that feature the artist/band/group performing the song through out most if not all of the video. It’s probably the easiest to do on a budget provided you can get a suitable location for filming.

Concept Based- This is a style of music video that is based around a single concept or idea. These types of videos tend to be fairly unusual and require a particular editing or filming technique. It’s not often you get a purely conceptual music video as the commercial world demands things to be a bit more accessible

Narrative Based- A narrative based music video contains mostly footage that attempts to tell a story through the video. Usually involving actors, the story is sometimes linked to the lyrical content of the song, but this isn’t always the case. This type of music video tends to be popular for a song that’s featured in a movie and you will often see scenes cut into the music video.

Mise-en-scene- costumes, props, lighting, characters, special effects, sound effects and anything else which is seen in a media text. 

Andrew Goodwin:

Genre Characteristics- Goodwin tells us that most genres of music have certain traits which appear in most music videos.

Relationship between Lyrics and Visuals- Goodwin discovered a similarity and direct contrast with what is shown in the video and the lyrics of the song.

Relationship between Music and Visuals- Andrew Goodwin identified that the visuals in the music video may be edited in time to the beats and rhythm of the song.

Iconography- Goodwin noticed that artists often have a trait of repeating certain actions throughout their music videos.  

Close ups- make them want to see more of the artiest. making the music video sell the artiest.

Voyeurism- notion of looking, Goodwin noticed that in music videos especially ones with female artist often have the camera looking directly at them and panning up and down to give a personal affect on the audience (like the artist is singing to us).

Tuesday 13 March 2012

Episode 3: Analysing Biographies

Good Charlotte Biographies:

Just click on the words which will take you to their website.

Blink 182 Biographies:

Just click on the words which will take you to their website.

Official Website
Fan Website

Studio 5 Biography:

The band formed in 2005, the guys where brought up in the rough town of Queens in New York where they all have a passion for music. Lead Vocalist Kieran started the idea of the band in his bedroom one Saturday morning. Soon his friends became members of his band and they started making their first hour with just one hour of practice a week. The band said “that they love working together as they have so much banter but it does not come with its challenges with some arguments when practicing”  They made their first song " Now your Gone" within two weeks and to test it they made a demo and gave it out free at school, soon they made their album "Life as we know it" and thought they could become a business so on 7th may 2006 they got together their best songs and went to gigs up and down the city but no one wanted to know, so they played live in the streets. On 10th July 2006 , Ari Gold became their agent and helped them get into gigs and shows.
On 16th February 2007 they got signed to a major record company Sony Music Entertainment and working with them sold an album that got number ten in the charts and sold 2 million copies nationwide. But the fame did not last long as in 20th April that year a well known band performing similar music Blink 182, the band was forced to take legal action because studio 5 stolen a melody they both sound very similar said music critics. In court the jury committed Blink 182 on just making a fast buck because they were losing sales and an audience. The bands are not on speaking terms. With that in hand the bands agent Ari Gold told the band to go to Europe to see if they could be a success over there. On February 2008 the band made a new song  “Forever and you” released it in the UK but failed to get an audience, they have been living in London since, the band are set to release a new song and a new music video in April 2012. Also in talks to set up their own magazine about urban artists and use it as a promotion tool to create new music for everyone.   

Studio 5 Facebook:
